Modelo Educativo para el Siglo XXI

Meta cognición

Con este modelo me ha costado un poco de trabajo el adaptarme, es un modelo en el cual es mi primera vez formando parte de él.

    Creo que esta actividad de aprendizaje ayudo muchísimo a comprender en modelo educativo, con el pude ver todo el panorama de una forma más concreta, fácil y comprensible.

    Esta parte la aprendí de forma visual y verbal. Apoyándome en la maravilla de la tecnología. Con este apoyo visual pude resolver el problema de la comprensión del modelo educativo.

    En mi opinión es un modelo más que completo y capaz de cumplir todos sus objetivos.

Programa de estudio

Conclusión Personal 

Conclusión General.

Meta cognición

       Al principio no lograba comprender el programa de estudios, ya que es un programa extenso y con muchas características muy peculiares.

    Esto lo resolví leyendo determinada mentes y tratando de comprender cada punto como debe ser.

    En esta actividad me fue difícil el trabajo en equipo, porque fue el primer día, no conocía a nadie, tengo un problema en el trabajo en equipo ya que me molesta cuando las personas no trabajan. Pero este no fue el caso, logramos abarcar todo lo que se necesito y terminar la actividad.

    Creo haber comprendido el programa de estudio de la materia de Fundamentos de la investigación, espero poder cubrirlo como debe de ser y lograr todos sus objetivos. 

Mega fabrica, Super autos 

Reporte de Lectura en Ingles
"Tomo I: Completennes plenitud".
Philip B. Croby

Mi conclusión 

Resumen del libro

Chapter 1

The fullness and the Centurion
    Almost everything is different as we approach the twenty-first century. It has been said that things are not as they were, and I think the same applies to the future. Occurring events that were unthinkable just a short time ago, as the political changes in the former Russia and Eastern Europe. During the first millennia of history management was mostly a matter of dealing with people and animals as they played a work with a very low level.
When the industrial revolution followed by a technical change occurred, the administration was forced to confront the steam engines and other equipment in addition to people. As the twentieth century progressed the technology has become so complex. In the future this amount of data, almost all from the lower level of the organization, to the extent that an overflow is generated appears. As will have to fight hard to install a complete philosophy of zero defects in a new world were called centurions that was a title that bosses who conquered the world became. In this next century maybe there will be a wonderfully different social environment in which they live and do business called centurions and others. You people can become educated beings, informed, independent, well fed and knowledgeable about finance. Africa and Latin America are growing at a rate 2 times higher than that of Western nations, the twenty-first century will be dramatically different from all previous eras. Written history ah been an uncertain journey in a series of authoritarian leadership to another, Judges, Kings, Emperors, Caesars, Dictators, Presidents, Managers and other titles we have governed our choice.
If we go back to the days of the Old Testament and follow the course of humanity, we see a world population that was usually short-lived and considered. The establishment of the divine right of those appointed leaders eliminated many discussions, the king was always right, even if it was not right (A concept that was transferred effortlessly to suit the modern executive).
    The revolutions of United States and French, did see clearly that were necessary things changed though both were led by individuals class middle and upper rather than the lower class, no matter what printing proclaimed to us over the years. The American revolt triumph, while the French turbulence produced Napoleon.
The Vietnam War and Soviet adventure in Afghanistan have hindered more the domain of the superpowers, especially when help is unwanted. The fall of communism and the depressing revelations of the victims' lives have become even philosophical radicals. All this is a change. Even before Socrates, expose the concept of leadership responsibility ' 'The who knows, autocrats took care of all ruled not only in public life but also in private, the husband and father was the master of while all those years, at least legally; and the Old Testament only looked upon men so that women and children were included with goats and other household goods.

Chapter 2

The principles of the fullness
    The most respected companies in the twentieth century were those that succeeded financially in comparison with their peers, for example a consistent profit at 10% after deducting tax, was considered a remarkable achievement in other areas of measurement achievement level lower staff turnover to 15% accompanied by a lower rate of absenteeism than 3% per day was something to receive a prize.
Increase each year the 10% market share which was something worthy of a cover story in the annual report; but in the future when companies are facing a worldwide comparison figures were not enough to succeed like that at least not for those who take seriously the new century and the fullness eg what centurions expect profits after deducting 20% taxes and would be surprised to learn that some of their employees miss work due to not being a recommendation of your doctor. Would ensure that his company was a place where the staff and management will respect each other, worked together and thought that any waste of any kind is outdated and strange.
    Everyone wants to succeed and in view of this we will consider exactly it means success, is an organization whether this profit-oriented. We think this success in terms of achieving agreed, all measurable: objectives, as a steady growth in market share and we as a steady growth in market share and profits, a proportion with a low level of debt in relation to the shares, low employee turnover, high levels of voluntary participation of employees, education programs that meet the needs of all, management succession plan that features a continuous development of new products and service providers active support, admiration of the community and a happy and prosperous shareholder.

Chapter 4

    First we must decide what a customer is:
A customer is someone who does something deliberately. 

For example: Money changes hands in a way, usually by people who never get to see the product or service you requested and used. 
This is the "CUSTOMER" being studied, measured and whose name is pronounced in business meetings and appears in reports. 
All customers are consumers, whether public or private. No matter what you require purchase or demand: they want to be like they expect it, and re-turn to those who are able to provide that. 
If a company or a person can’t provides what was promised, you are finished. 
The key to a successful client is to determine what is required and then arrange that the operation to produce exactly that. If there is a secret to getting customers succeed, is to determine what they want.
Some time ago I gave a lecture to a group of executives and when I finish one of them stopped me to talk. He worked in the hospitality business or, as he put it, "managed properties". 

"Note that you avoid using the word host in discussing those who were staying in hotels," I commented. "We are very careful to train our staff to think about them as if they were guests in their own homes. This has given us very good results." 
"Ever you been a guest in someone's home?" I asked. 
"Of course," he replied. "I just take part in a tournament for guests of members, with an old friend. My wife and I stayed at home for a long weekend." 
"What time is up in the morning, when they stayed at the house of his friend?" I wanted to know. 
"Breakfast is served at 8:30 a. m. "he replied. 
"What time I usually eat breakfast normally," I insisted. 
"Around 7:00 a. M.," He informed me. "I like to get up and leave home early. Wait until 8:30 a. m. became a problem. "
"Customers can be lifted when they want," observe. "Guests must respect the customs of the house. What you rather are?" 
"I understand what you are trying to say",
"Let's delete our literature and our minds the word" host ", I assure you. 

"I do not know how a friendship can withstand a week of being guests. Hate to think we could do that to our customers."

Chapter 5

“The successful provider”
    There is an obvious extension of the principles to ensure that both customers and providers have success. Employees shall endeavor to entice you to stimulate your ground when to do it.
    They have a need to give me what they said they would provide me and keep me informed about what is available and the need for your product or service. They manage to make my life pleasant change that can help them feel satisfied. 

In the fast pace of the XXI century, it will be necessary laver suppliers to our land and treat them well, they will have to learn that they can achieve success if you help your customer succeed and clients MUST give them that opportunity.
    The key to the selection and monitoring of appropriate providers based on two specific aspects. First, it is necessary to state clearly the policy of the company. Second, we must reorient and retrain individuals who direct the operation of shopping, so they needed understand the priorities of the new way of doing business. 

    We need to determine which parts of our products and services we buy, rather than proporcionarnolas ourselves.
    All load products offered must meet increasingly agreed requirements, be competitive in cost and deliver in a timely manner. 

    We do not want nor have inventor more than anything. 
    Should be established providers with a formal program of education and communication. 
    We will make long-term agreements with suppliers that are proven to be reliable and are interested in our success.

Chapter 6

    The delivery system is applied in a company determine your chances of success companies have long plazo.las environments, like geographic regions, but the characteristics of the corporate environment are political, needs, education, and measures purpose. Represent the choice of freedom, expression, excitement, depression, and other qualities arising from the relationship between leaders and grid are designed to help us determine our location in this relate to the kind of world lower that the primary goal is to get employees and consumers succeed No.
    The leader or decide to attend schools and the way that they train instead of administrative systems educarlos.las grids are different ways of being a leader an administrative body such as the banana republic is characterized is a concentration in the center of the privileges and control.las companies applying banana republic system are very easy are those in which no one knows is in charge hardly anything and you do something without the personal involvement of the head. The fullness of the twenty-first century is more focused on modern communication systems allowing management to know and understand the will of the people. No systems and handling is minimal.

Chapter 7

    The word arrogance is not very nice but rather produces a negative reaction however, is exactly the right term to describe the behavior of many executives and managers throughout the difference in whether people enjoy their work or cower when it reaches the time to go to work radican.los arrogant managers or management teams make their life miserable for people without good reason.
The administrative arrogance is the tragedy of a society negocios.con except those born to serve as senior executives usually get to their jobs after making merit and hard work, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Meta cognición

      Esta actividad me ayudo a darme cuenta que aun que no soy muy bueno para el ingles, soy capaz de hacer cualquier cosas en este idioma. Ya sea con ayuda o sin ayuda.

      Lo aprendí intentando hacerlo, me sirvió de mucho y me ayudo mucho.

    Lo difícil fue el manejo del ingles, un poco el trabajo en equipo, no teníamos coordinación.

     Pero esto no fue impedimento, busque la manera de manejar el idioma y de lograr que mi equipo de coordinara de forma positiva, llevando el trabajo hacia adelante. 

Investigación sobre una nueva tecnología
"Auto Híbrido"

Meta cognición

    Con esto aprendí sobre una nueva tecnología, capaz de dar un buen automóvil, pero a su vez un menos gasto económico y cuidado del medio ambiente. Que son los carros híbridos.

    En la búsqueda de una nueva tecnología, me tope con algo nuevo, con algo de lo que no tenía un gran conocimiento. Pero después de esta investigación, creo estar un poco más avanzado en este concepto.

     No fue nada complicado ya que desde el principio tenía definido que tecnología era de mi interés, así que no tuve dificultades en la decisión de lo que investigaría. 

    Obtuve un muy buen aprendizaje tecnológico que en lo personal es de suma importancia en nuestra realidad actual. Estas tecnologías son las que deben de ser más apoyadas. Vivimos en un mundo que necesita de un nuevo respiro natural, tanta contaminación está afectando nuestro medio ambiente y estas tecnologías apoyan el cuidado ambientar y económico.

Nuevos paradigmas

Test de Procrastinacón - Mente y emociones.

Meta cognición

La verdad no creí que me fuera a salir este resultado. pero creo que me ayudara a mejorar. 

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